For several years now, green tea has been praised for its healthful, antioxidant properties. When green tea is favored over less healthy beverages, some people have noted an improvement in their health. Although all green tea is healthier than sugar-filled drinks such as sodas, fruit juices and sports drinks, the amount of healthful ingredients varies from one green tea to the next. Because of this, you should be careful to purchase the best green tea you can afford.
What is the real difference among all the green teas available for purchase?
Cheaper green tea is typically made of larger, more mature leaves from the green tea plant. This type of green tea is usually what is available for purchase in grocery stores and discount stores in the form of tea bags, and sometimes is sold in the bulk, loose-tea form.
Higher-quality green tea is often sold in the same stores as the less expensive variety, but must be purchased for a much higher price. This type of green tea is typically made of green tea buds and the youngest leaves on the plant. These young leaves and buds make a less bitter-tasting tea, and also offer significantly higher amounts of antioxidants than the more mature leaves of the plant.
What is your best bet for purchasing high-quality green tea at an affordable price?
If you truly enjoy green tea, you may decide to order it from a trusted bulk tea distributor. Often, these high quality green teas are sold in loose leaf form. This tea is often shipped in large, sealed bags, which can be stored indefinitely. The green tea leaves can then be placed in a tea ball and brewed according to your preferences.
If you would like more information on brewing loose leaf green tea, check out my article, "How To Brew Loose Leaf Green Tea."
Enjoy brewing your loose leaf green tea!